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Folder for the final development of the Computersignale Webplatform
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Android development of a remote app for controlling the Sounding Soil audio recorder.
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spoerri reto - rspoerri / NetXr
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
mobspkr / Vehicle Controller
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Scripts for creating standalone apps from netpd for Windows and macOS.
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SpatDIF / SpatDIFLib
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
TPF / jacktrip
MIT LicenseJackTrip is a Linux and Mac OS X-based system used for multi-machine audio network performance over the Internet.
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JACK low-latency audio server for multi-processor machines. It is a new implementation of the JACK server core features that aims in removing some limitations of the JACK1 design.
This is a fork of https://github.com/jackaudio/jack2
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Prototype for the tool. This is a tool for communication and managing the "telematic-performance-format" Project-start 01-06-2016 This is only for the Developers to manage the and deployment.
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